Coronavirus, Viminale circular: «phase 2» in Italy

Coronavirus, Viminale circular: checks on the distance of one meter in companies, shops, supermarkets Termoscanner from «phase 2»

Labor inspectors must verify compliance with the regulations. New obligation to communicate in advance in cases in which companies still suspended for sanitation, surveillance, maintenance or shipping must be accessed

Labor inspectors will have to verify compliance with the distance of at least one meter in companies, shops and supermarkets. This is provided by a circular signed by the Interior Ministry that applies the measures provided for in the decree of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The Guardia di Finanza were instead entrusted with the checks on the self-certifications of the companies, in particular those that reopened in derogation of the prohibitions.

The measure signed by the prefect Matteo Piantedosi, head of cabinet of the minister Luciana Lamorgese, underlines that "as regards commercial businesses whose activities are not suspended, the measure reiterates the obligation to ensure, in addition to the interpersonal distance of one meter, that the entrances are deferred and prevented from staying inside the premises more than the time necessary to purchase goods, also recommending the application of security measures ».

Prior communication
In the annex, then, a new specific obligation of prior communication to the Prefect is introduced, also for suspended activities, «for cases in which access to company premises is required by employees or third parties delegated to carry out surveillance, conservation and maintenance, payment management as well as cleaning and sanitizing activities, as well as for the shipment to third parties of goods stored in the warehouse and the reception of goods and supplies in the warehouse ».
